05. August 2024

4th English Reading Competition in the Historic Town Hall of Paderborn

In this year’s English Reading Competition of the Anglo-German Club Paderborn nine 6th grade students from six grammar schools in the district area of Paderborn competed against each other in the Historic Town Hall of Paderborn. In the first round the contestants read an excerpt from an English book they had chosen and practiced beforehand whereas in the second round they had to read a new text chosen by the jury. The jury which consisted of Lindsay McCran and Pia Milsch (both English teachers) and Col. Mike Foster-Brown (Commander Nato Forward Holding Base, Sennelager) was impressed by the high reading level of the German pupils. Sabine Kramm, the deputy mayor of Paderborn, presented the certificates and prizes to the finalists. Luisa Werner (Mauritius-Gymnasium Büren) took first place just ahead of Luisa Hamon (Reismann-Gymnasium Paderborn, 2nd place) and Justus Elsler (Pelizaeus-Gymnasium Paderborn, 3rd place).

Our big thanks go to Ina Maiwald for the idea and organization, Lindsay McCran, Pia Milsch und Col. Mike Foster-Brown for their professional evaluation as well as Jo Crimmins, Laura Moir and Silvia Leutnant for the generous and delicious cake donations.

From left to right: Lindsay McCran und Pia Milsch (jury members), Nia Borheyer, Charlotte Lukei, Luisa Werner, Luisa Hamon, Oscar Schmidt, Nermin Saygili, Justus Elsler, Sabine Kramm (stellvertretende Bürgermeisterin), Hanna Blaszczyk, Finn Langhorst, Col. Mike Foster-Brown (jury member) Ina Maiwald (idea and organization)

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