Anglo-German Club elected new committee – honorary membership for long-serving outgoing chairwoman

At the Annual General Meeting of the Anglo-German Club, long-standing Chairwoman Angie Reeh left the Board. She had been Chair of the club since 2016. Her nine-year term of office saw the British Forces almost leave Paderborn and the revitalisation of the barracks by the British Army. Angie Reeh: ‘The fact that we have managed to strengthen the Anglo-German friendship in recent years despite Brexit and the withdrawal of the majority of the British Armed Forces from Paderborn, to make club life so lively and to continue to grow in the number of our members makes me very proud. It has been a pleasure and a great honour to chair the club for so long. I now wish Ilka Mindt every success and at least as many wonderful and inspiring events and encounters as I have been able to experience.” The club appointed Angie Reeh honorary member for her commitment and services to Anglo-German friendship.
German-English Club elects new chair
The general meeting elected Prof Dr Ilka Mindt as the new chairperson. She will be supported on the English side by British Chairman Lt Col David Crimmins, who is the Station Commander of the British Armed Forces in Sennelager. Volker Greaves was confirmed as Treasurer and Petra Fischer as Secretary. The committee of the Anglo-German Club is made up of German and British members: Simon Cox, Heather Lewis, Ina Maiwald and the British Honorary Consul Susan Speller were elected. “This means that the composition of the committee also reflects the close community of Germans and Brits,” says Ilka Mindt. The patrons of the club are District Administrator Christoph Rüther on the German side and Colonel Mike Foster-Brown, Commander of NATO Forward Holding Base Sennelager, on the British side.
Two highlights in 2025
The new chairwoman is looking forward to her new role: “These are big shoes to fill. At the same time, I am looking forward to continuing the friendly exchange and fostering relations between British and Germans in Paderborn. Our club programme demonstrates this as we will celebrate two anniversaries in 2025.”
The club will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the twinning with Bolton in Bolton in April and in Paderborn in July. The Anglo-German Club will also be celebrating its 60th anniversary in December. This anniversary will also be celebrated in style.
Photo caption:
The newly elected committee: (from left to right) bottom row: Treasurer Volker Greaves, Ina Maiwald, outgoing Chair Angie Reeh, new Chair Ilka Mindt; middle row: Michael Foster-Brown (British Army Germany), Secretary Petra Fischer, Heather Lewis, top row: Simon Cox, Lt. Col. David Crimmins (British Army, Germany), Susan Speller | Photo: Jörn Krüger