30. March 2021

Anglo-German Club elects its new committee digitally for the first time and appoints former Landrat Manfred Müller as an honorary member

For the first time, the Anglo-German Club Paderborn held its annual general meeting digitally. The committee was largely re-elected: Angie Reeh as German chairman, Lieutenant-Colonel Danny Wild as British chairman, Saskia Kaufhold as secretary, Volker Greaves as treasurer and Petra Fischer, Sarah Korsikowski and Ilka Mindt as additional committee members. Heather Lewis is the only new committee member to succeed Alan Patterson, former British Forces Liaison Officer in Paderborn. Heather Lewis works in the medical center of the British Army in Normandy Barracks. She has previously worked for the British radio station BFBS in Paderborn and is very well connected to the local British community.

There is also an innovation in the patronage: Colonel Tim Hill, Commander in Chief of the British Armed Forces in Germany, continues to exercise the position of British patron with great passion and commitment. The previous German patron, former Landrat Manfred Müller, is handing over his office to the new Landrat of the Paderborn district, Christoph Rüther.

Manfred Müller, who in 16 years of service as Landrat has worked intensively for the interests of the club and its relations with the British forces Paderborn, was made an honorary member as a token of gratitude. Manfred Müller thanked the club members for the great honor and this special award. He is looking forward to exciting club events in which he will be happy to take part if possible.

To sum up the past club year: it was definitely an unusual one. Some things had to be canceled, others could take place in digital format and many things were re-arranged in a new way. Some of these were found to be good and are therefore suitable as an addition for the future.

The committee has again presented a diverse program for the coming club year. Due to the pandemic, many events are initially planned either digitally or outdoors. When face-to-face meetings are possible again, many great ideas will be spontaneously offered and announced via the member’s letter and here on the website.

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