Visit to the „WindCores“ data centre from WestfalenWIND in a wind power plant

At the beginning of October we were allowed to visit a wind farm in Asseln from the inside. Sonya Harrison and Daniel Saage from WestfalenWIND informed the club members about sustainable energies in the Paderborn region. There was an overview of the development from the first wind turbine in the 1990s to today’s models, the difficulties in finding suitable sites for new turbines and the generation of electricity by wind was explained.
Since 2018, the district of Paderborn has been able to cover more than 100% of its energy needs from renewable energies.
The original idea and philosophy of the WestfalenWind can be seen in the companys’ logo: the four wings symbolise acceptor, citizen, energy foundation and value creation.
After a short break with delicious refreshments, the second part of the lecture provided information about the complex use of a wind turbine of the future. The WindCores data center uses the infrastructure in the tower of a wind turbine, for example fibre-optic cables, the CO2-free electricity generated there or even the free space to install servers there. This sustainable concept is very successful and is constantly beeing expanded.
A big ‘Thank You’ to Sonya Harrison and Daniel Saage for this unique opportunity to see a wind turbine from the inside!